I THINK I AM GOING TO DESTROY THE MANY-CAMERA TEMPLE OF ACCELERATED CAPITAL: But to steer clear of "undeveloped pronouncements of nihilism," in_Stupidity_ Avital Ronell reminds her readers of the "Heideggerian distinction between destruction and devastation." "Destruction," she says,"involves the force of a critical clearing and does not imply the shellshock stoppage of devastation" (214). In the opening pages of _Finitude's Score_,she more thoroughly sketches out this distinction: whereas devastation "has to do with a fundamental shutdown," a "pathological" drive toward "a telic finality or fulfillment or the accomplishment, once and for all, of a Goal," destruction, Ronell says, is "a decisive doing away with that which, already destroyed, is destructive in its continuance. To the extent that it is possible only on the basis of a new and more radical affirmation, destruction, moreover, has pledged itself to the future." (_Finitude's Score_ xiii). faithfully in art and love, cary |
"What are you looking at? You think I'm here to entertain you? you're dead wrong. Buzz off. What? Just because it's a screen you're like a Pavlov dog whining ENTERTAIN ME,ENTERTAIN ME,ENTERTAIN ME,ENTERTAIN ME,ENTERTAIN ME,ENTERTAIN ME,ENTERTAIN ME,ENTERTAIN ME. Forget it. Watch TV or something. I look in the mirror every morning and think to myself you're dying. But who cares. We're all dying. We're all in various stages and degrees of the death process. Surprise, Surprise, Surprise. You want entertainment. They already have you beat. Mind numbing consumer entertainment. Hey you like it. Don't blame me. blame yourself. I told you before there's a bigger reality. There's a place where the bosses don't exist. But no, you want to be told what to do and how to think. I know you hate me. You know I'm doing something but you can't figure out what it is. All you know is that it's not entertaining. ENTERTAIN ME,ENTERTAIN ME,ENTERTAIN ME,ENTERTAIN ME,ENTERTAIN ME,ENTERTAIN ME,ENTERTAIN ME,ENTERTAIN ME. So you ignore it. But guess what. I'm on the other side of your reality. I mean, you might learn something if you meet me half way but you've been conditioned. You don't even know it. You're secure in your reality. Think about it. You're walled off by an artificial information barrier that tells you what to think and what to believe in. And your smug about it. Think about all those people in jail. Do you think you're any different?"
-from GH's Toilet Confessional |